Report Crime, Without Fear.
Securely and Online.
Our secure platform allows you to report crimes anonymously and get real-time updates on your case. Report Crime, Create a Safer Tomorrow.
Crime reports filed on our platform.
Stay informed with real-time alerts.
Navigate with our advanced map features.
Trusted by government worldwide.
Police stations connected to our platform.
Create and update user profiles as civilians and police officers and manage reports effortlessly.
Analyzes and verifies crime reports to detect fakes using machine learning algorithms.
View an overview of reported crimes and recent activities with in-depth analytics.
Submit and manage crime reports. View alerts and notifications.
Find the nearest police station and contact them directly in cases of emergency.
Geolocation features for accurate reporting. Drag-and-drop markers to specify locations.
Stay informed about the status of your report and any actions taken.
Ensure user anonymity while reporting crimes.
In-Depth Analytics and Reports
Overview of your reports, analytics, and real-time updates on your personalised dashboard.
Interactive Visualizations
Get a visual representation of your reports and analytics, live-crime maps and much more
Real-Time Updates
Stay informed about the status of your report and any actions taken.
AI integration
AI analyzer to detect and prevent false reports, with a specialised chatbot to assist you.